"If you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself. Also you will have betrayed our community in failing to make your contribution to the whole."-- Rollo May (1909-1994), American psychologist, from The Courage to Create
This is one of my favorite quotes. If you are like me, you will want to read it 3 or 4 times to make sure it sinks in and to ponder your own response and self evaluation. I believe that each of us feels at certain times in our life, a spark of ideas, intuition or creativity that seems to call to us unrelentingly from with in. When we do not listen and ignore that inner wisdom, the results are usually not favorable. What I have experienced myself, and what I have seen from those I know and have coached is an ensuing state of discontent. The things that once fulfilled us, do not. The thing that was okay for years, is suddenly simply not okay. This is because, in the moment we chose to ignore our inner voice, we betrayed our path and the path we are on however safe, however justified, becomes inwardly unbearable, as we find ourselves out of integrity with what needs to happen to bring us toward fulfillment.
What we may fail to recognize in that discontent, is not only have we betrayed ourselves, but as Rollo May suggests, we have failed our community by never letting them hear or be apart of something that could have been and needed to be.
Think of the many times you have been in a meeting when someone finally spoke up and told the truth, finally popping the blister in the room which allowed the meeting to flourish. Now, think of the many times that has not happen and ask, how is that not a betrayal for our whole community?
Think of the times we choose fear over faith and belief and stay stuck on a path that only brings growing resentment and stagnation. Self-betrayal is a most deadly poison. There is nothing like choosing courage over fear to unleash new possibilities and realities.
What thoughts and feelings does May call up for you? I look forward to your thoughts and insights.