Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Extrodinary Moment from Robert White

I received this post from Robert White, a friend of ours and an amazing trainer, coach, etc. Thought I'd post this one for you to read. Enjoy!

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

My personal journey of growth and discovery plus my experience in hundreds of seminars and with thousands of people informs me that most people—beginning with me—are somewhat hard wired to look outside ourselves for answers.
A profound process is to follow this Sufi poet’s counsel and do the necessary and sometimes painful work of self discovery; to identify and clear those “barriers within yourself” preventing you from full self expression; to cease seeking for love and move yourself to a place where you can simply allow it to flow.
With love and respect,

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