In times of uncertainty, it can be easy to "cocoon in" and take a "wait and see" approach to living. While it can be wise to "wait and see" in the matter of "things;" how a stock is doing before investing, for example. It is important to remember that while "things" can wait, be postponed or put on the back-burner, this is not so with the significant actions of our life; our character, our integrity, our leadership.
The opportunity to show up and make a difference when it is most needed is what a full life and leading is all about. Sometimes our fear drives us, in turbulent times, to sit when we need to stand, to be silent when we need to speak up, to sell out a colleague because it feels less risky, to take credit for a team members work because we need the job security; you name your temptation. All of it keeps us from our best self. Our best weapon against fear is belief; belief in our self and belief in a universe that has supported us to this very step, and why not another?
So, to the experience of fully living - our life and our leadership potential. This poem by Dawna Markova:
I will not die an unlived life.
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible;
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance,
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom,
and that which came to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.
I will not die an unlived life.
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible;
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance,
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom,
and that which came to me as blossom, goes on as fruit.
Play full out, live life with integrity, respect and honor your relationships, trust others and be trustworthy. Extend yourself on behalf of someone else. I loved this post Cindy. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
I have lived my whole life in fear. Fear of anything and everything. I am slowly trying to live a life without fear. I started the day Daija didn't make call backs for a Disney audition. She got in the car crying and as a mother my heart was breaking. I asked "What will you do now?" Her reply has been battling my fear of life ever since.... " I will dream a different dream." So when fear of failure grips me -- I realize that if I do fail -- I can also dream a different dream. Thanks to these wonderful posts.
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